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NO분석기,NO2분석기,NOx분석기,200E,하림엔지니어링 NO분석기,NO2분석기,NOx분석기,200E,하림엔지니어링 The Model 200e uses the proven chemiluminescence detection principle, coupled with state of the art microprocessor technology to provide the sensitivity, stability and ease of use need for ambient or dilution cem monitoring rrquirements. 모델 200E는 정확성이 검증된 화학발광법(Chemi-Luminescence)을 최첨단 마이크로프로세서기술과 결합하여, 대기측정 및 희석식 연속배출가스측정(CEM)을 정확하고, 안정적이며, 쉽게 NO/NO2/NOx를 측정할 수 .. 더보기
CO분석기,저농도채분석기,일산화탄소분석기,300E,하림엔지니어링 CO분석기,저농도채분석기,일산화탄소분석기,300E,하림엔지니어링 The Model 300e measures low ranges of carbon monoxide by comparing infrared energy absorbed by a sample to that absorbed by a reference gas according to the beer-lambert low. 모델 300E는 Beer-Lambert 법칙에 따라서 샘플과 참조가스에 흡수된 적외선에너지를 비교하여 저농도의 CO를 측정한다. This is accomplished with a gas filter wheel which alternately allows a high energy light source to pass through a .. 더보기
정밀가스측정기용교정기,질량유량교정기,700E,하림엔지니어링 정밀가스측정기용교정기,질량유량교정기,700E,하림엔지니어링 Model 700 모델 700 Mass Flow Calibrator 질량유량 교정기 The model 700 is microprocessor based calibrator for precision gas analyzers. Using a combination of highly accurate mass flow controllers and compressed sources of standard gases, calibration standards are provided for mulitpoint sapn and zero checks. Up to 4 gas sources may be used. 모델 700은 마이크로프로세서로 제어되는 정밀 가스측정기용.. 더보기